I went to the lab to pick up my third trimester test results before my doctor’s appointment and, of course, I’m too curious to wait for my appointment to see the results.
So, I started flipping through and everything looked fine until I got to the last page:
Group B Strep = Positive
Great. Just great. I really wasn’t expecting that. I tested negative with Zoë, so it never crossed my mind that I’d test positive this time.
All I knew about Group B Strep was that you have to go to the hospital when you first go into labor to get IV antibiotics. I really didn’t think it was a big deal… just more of a pain because I don’t get the opportunity to labor at home.
When I got home from my appointment, I told my husband that I tested positive for Group B Strep and of course he had a million questions that I couldn’t answer. So, on the Internet I went.
Let’s just say I’m a little freaked out!
Here are some of the stats I found:
- Group B strep is normally found in the vagina and/or lower intestine of 15-40% of all healthy, adult women and its not an STD
- I have a 1 in 200 chance of delivering a baby with Group B Strep infection if antibiotics are not given
- I have a 1 in 4000 of delivering a baby with Group B Strep infection if antibiotics are given
- Group B Strep can cause inflammation of the baby’s lungs, spinal cord or brain
- 15-20% of babies with Group B Strep die from the infection
- A C-Section will not prevent transmission of the infection
Even though I avoid medication whenever possible, I’ll absolutely be heading to the hospital right when I go into labor to get antibiotics. Apparently the ideal treatment is to get two doses of IV antibiotics, four hours apart.
I’m really disappointed because after my last birth experience, I was really hoping to labor at home for as long as possible. I know I’ll get over that because my baby’s health comes first. But I’m still disappointed… and a little scared.
Have you tested positive for Group B Strep? Did everything turn out okay for you and your baby?