I can’t believe my baby is 5 today! Seriously, where does the time go? I can’t believe it was 5 years ago today that she came into our lives and changed everything forever.
While her birth story was not an easy one, it’s something I learned a lot from – a lot about myself and a lot about what I wanted to change the next time around.
Without Zoë, we may not be living our lives the way we live them now. Without Zoë, Happy Mothering would never have been born – because she’s what inspired me to start blogging!
I am so grateful to have such a sweet, loving daughter. I can’t believe how fast she’s growing up though!
We have always been a co-sleeping family, but this last week she has decided that she wants to start sleeping in her own bed every night. She has been sleeping through the night in her own bed every night. I’m so proud of her for making this decision on her own. It’s such a great affirmation that the way we’re raising her is right for us.
I know there is a lot more growing up on the way, and I’m so grateful to be this sweet girl’s Mom.
Happy Birthday Zoë!