It has been a couple months since Kaylee took her first steps. She was very cautious with learning to walk—different from Zoë who was all over the place very early.
At soon as Kaylee turned one though, it’s like something just clicked with her, and she has been walking everywhere. She’s walking a lot more than she crawls now.
It’s official… there are no more babies in this house. We have 2 toddlers.
While it’s exciting because the girls are able to play together so much more now, it’s also a little sad. It’s our last baby and it went by so fast! We have so many wonderful years ahead of us though.
It just makes my heart melt to see how proud Kaylee is of herself as she walks across the entire room without falling down. And then my heart melts even more when Zoë runs over and hugs her and says, “I’m so proud of you Kaylee!”
I love my sweet little girls.