I’ve been wanting to reduce the amount of time Zoë spends watching movies. Unfortunately, with Kaylee’s arrival, I have to confess that we’ve actually done the opposite. Turning a movie on has been the only way I can get some peace the past few weeks.
I have been watching a LOT of The Princess and the Frog and the Princess Protection Program lately.
But, I’m starting to feel better and I’m up and around a lot more so I don’t see this as a long-term thing. Just something to get me through this initial newborn stage. It’s an adjustment for all of us.
I think Zoë is starting to adjust to having a sister a little bit more. She loves helping me change Kaylee’s diaper (Kaylee goes through so many more diapers than Zoë ever did!). Zoë holds the clean diaper while I clean Kaylee and then she throws the dirty one away. Every time I hand her the dirty diaper, she says, “Gracias.” I never thought anyone would thank me for handing them a dirty diaper ☺
Zoë is such a great little helper. She has been helping Brian cook a lot lately. She loves to stir the eggs. Hopefully her love of helping continues past toddlerhood!

I still can’t leave Zoë alone in a room with Kaylee. Not because I’m afraid she’ll hurt her, but because I’m afraid she’ll smother her with hugs and kisses. I’ve never known anyone to love giving someone hugs and kisses more than Zoë loves to hug and kiss Kaylee. It’s really sweet.
I was in the kitchen making lunch yesterday and Kaylee was in her bouncy seat. Zoë was crouched down next to her and their eyes were just locked on each other. It was the cutest thing ever. If I thought they would’ve stayed that way while I walked out of the room to get the camera, I would’ve loved to capture that moment. Instead, it’ll have to be kept in my memory. I’m sure there will be many more of those moments to capture.
Zoë’s new favorite thing to do while I’m breastfeeding Kaylee is to bring me a balloon and have me bat it across the room so she can chase it. Yes, I just admitted that I’ve been playing fetch with my daughter. But she loves it! (and Daddy has been playing fetch with her for some time now)
Zoë is used to lying with me to fall asleep, so that has been a challenge when Kaylee also wants to nurse or be held. She always finds a way to snuggle up with me though. I thought this was a really sweet picture of both of them sleeping on me from a few days ago.

Kaylee’s feeding patterns have been a little better. She still cluster feeds sometimes, but I get breaks most of the time now. She has been sleeping a little better at night and only waking up twice most nights. But I’ve had more trouble getting her to settle down and go to sleep. It took me over three hours to get her to sleep Tuesday night… another night that I was in tears from frustration and exhaustion.
But, I know these challenges will pass and I’ll be faced with new ones. But, it’s all worth it to have two such beautiful, sweet little girls in our lives.