Good Morning Everyone and Happy Mother’s Day to all of you wonderful mothers out there… to the not so wonderful mothers, well, you’re probably not reading this 🙂 I’m Brian, Chrystal’s husband… Chrystal is sleeping in on this beautiful mother’s day… It’s sunny, clear blue skies and about 75 outside here in Big Bear.
You Rock Doing the Mommy Thing
Chrystal I can’t thank you enough for being such a wonderful mother to our children.
You’re love for them is undeniable. You show them so much love it’s heartwarming, it really makes me smile.
I like how you have your little morning ritual of getting up with the girls, making you and me coffee, making them breakfast and entertaining them… watching it all unfold entertains me greatly.
You put Kaylee on the brown couch wrapped in her red blanky, Zoë next to her wrapped in her heart blanky… then once breakfast is ready you switch them to the white couch (it’s leather/ easy to clean and has a fold down table in the middle of it).
Then I’m off to the store, so I don’t really get to see how the rest unfolds, but, watching the way y’all start your day starts mine with a smile.
The love our girls show you is testimony to your awesomeness in being a mom. When the girls are telling me about their day Zoë chatters non-stop about “Mommy this, Mommy that…” and Kaylee with her growing vocabulary chatters about you a ton too.
And just watching them interact with you whether it’s cooking in the kitchen or doing crafts or playing on the floor… I love watching you play with the girls and I love it when we all play together.
I love how you’re constantly teaching our girls and educating them; and you always treat our girls with respect. You’re aware of their feelings and take measure to build their confidence, which is rad. And again, how much our girls love you back.
You take care of the girls, manage the household, run the majority of errands, work on your blog, work for your clients; you’re starting Green Mom’s Media & Green Mom’s Network and everything else… The way you handle yourself and rock at being a mom with all of this and so much more on your plate makes me believe in you.
I love you and I’m proud to say “My babies’ mama is da shiznit…”
– I hear some stirring upstairs, looks like it’s time to watch that morning ritual unfold 🙂